Softball Complex Field
City of Pleasanton
The City of Pleasanton’s Softball Complex Field House was originally constructed in 1990 and serves as the center for all activities in the Ken Mercer Sports Park. We were hired by the City of Pleasanton to remodel and modernize the existing facility including updating finishes, ADA restroom upgrades, and provide amenities for the community. The remodel included removing areas of flat roofs that were ponding and leaking and replacing sloped roofs; replacing single pane windows with dual pane; and the second floor offices for Parks and Rec staff received all new interior finishes, casework and Title 24 upgrades to power and lighting. The original structure included a natural wood siding that has deteriorated over the years, especially on the southern face of the building that receives the brunt of sun, wind and rain. We proposed replacing the existing finish with a phenolic rain screen system that resembles wood, but holds up to the elements much better.