Submitted by angela.barker on
March 20, 2025
Design Dialogue: Athenel Trazo

What is your first memory at AC Martin?
What struck me about AC Martin is the number of women in a leadership position in the firm when I first interviewed. I was coming out of maternity leave, and it felt as if there was already a clear understanding - no explanation or lengthy discussion was needed in terms of my ability to balance home and work life. I found that refreshing.
Do you have a mentor?
I have had many former, more experienced colleagues as well as former professors that I considered mentors. Some were generous in sharing knowledge and experience, and some challenged me to keep striving for excellence. All of them, in their own way, have helped me find and amplified my voice.
Are you a mentor to anyone?
I am currently involved in the ACE (Architecture, Construction & Engineering) Mentorship Program, helping with the Pasadena Team which consists mainly of students from Muir High School. We recently discussed design concepts and how that becomes a framework for creating form and space. In turn, they teach me current slang words. But what I really like about working with ACE students is that they bring fresh, imaginative perspectives that are unrestrained by rules or limitations. It’s inspiring to see what they come up with.
ACE Mentor Spotlight Awards 2024
Is there an aspect of architecture in which you excel or are passionate about?
I am driven by architecture’s ability to prioritize the human experience and serve communities in a meaningful way. I value engaging with building users, understanding their perspectives, and designing spaces that enhance well-being while fostering connections. My upbringing in close-knit, supportive communities instilled in me the importance of empathy and social responsiveness, shaping my belief that design is a powerful tool for creating meaningful relationships between people and their environment.
Where do you call home?
Nine years ago, we chose to call Pasadena our home.
How do you spend your weekends / holidays / time off?
Weekends used to be filled with softball, baseball, basketball and soccer games. When there were no games, we went to Disneyland because we had an annual pass. Then, weekends turned into band rehearsals, performances and gigs and dance rehearsals, showcases and competitions. Essentially, all activities related to my children.
Early Bird or Night Owl?
I am a Night Owl. It’s when I’m most productive.
Family at Disneyland